Wednesday, October 14, 2009

CarrotMob Hardware Store Action

I had an interesting moment last week when my parents were in town. I wanted to put a new thermostat in my place and asked for my Dad's help. I mentioned that there was a hardware store just a few blocks away from where I lived, but he was dismissive, saying that Home Depot would have much better prices and we should just go there. I felt pretty guilty driving by that hardware store and vowed not to do that again. You really do have to support the little guys once in a while or they won't be around anymore.

Anyway, I plan on making it up on October 24 at Guse Hardware. They're participating in a CarrotMob event and donating 100% of their revenues to making energy improvements in the store. It'll be pretty hard to drive by that.

1 comment:

Ashley Joy said...

I have felt the same guilt many times when choosing a big box store over a ma and pa shop...Why is it so hard to follow one's principles in every day life? Why must convenience and the 'ol pocketbook always trump our personal ethics? Does it come down to apathy? Laziness, maybe? At least you can recycle in Minneapolis. Take heart in that. I die a little inside everytime I throw a good that can easily be recycled in the trash here in St. Thomas. We have no recycling program on island and I'm always envisioning how we're adding to those swirling masses of garbage in the middle of the ocean.